

Access the monitoring service. The username is prom. The password is set by the apache.sites.prometheus-server.htpasswd.password variable in the pillar/private/prometheus_server.sls file.

The landing page lets you query the collected data. For example:

Other relevant pages are:

Read Prometheus’ documentation to learn more.

Alert manager

Access the alerting service. The username is prom. The password is set by the apache.sites.prometheus-alertmanager.htpasswd.password variable in the pillar/private/prometheus_server.sls file.

Whereas the monitoring service configures alerts, the alerting service sends alerts. Alerts are sent to the recipients set in salt/prometheus/alertmanager/files/config/conf-alertmanager.yml.

You can temporarily “silence” alerts, when you know your actions will trigger those alerts: for example, when shutting down a server.