Kingfisher Summarize

Read the Kingfisher Summarize documentation, which covers general usage.


Is the service unresponsive or erroring? Follow these instructions.

Summarize collections

  1. Connect to the data support server

  2. Open a session in tmux:

    tmux new -s initials-task-description
  3. Run the command-line tool, using the /opt/ entrypoint. (This runs indirectly.) For example:

    sudo -u summarize /opt/ add --help
    sudo -u summarize /opt/ add 123 "Added by NAME"


    Use the --field-lists option to analyze coverage:

    sudo -u summarize /opt/ add 123 "added by NAME" --field-lists
  4. Close the session by pressing Ctrl-d or by running:


Review log files

Kingfisher Summarize writes log messages to the /var/log/kingfisher-summarize.log file. The log file is rotated weekly; last week’s log file is at /var/log/kingfisher-summarize.log.1, and earlier log files are compressed at /var/log/kingfisher-summarize.log.2.gz, etc.

Log messages are formatted as:

[date] [hostname] %(asctime)s - %(process)d - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s

You can filter messages by topic. For example:

grep NAME /var/log/kingfisher-summarize.log | less

For more information on the topics of log messages, read Kingfisher Summarize’s logging documentation.

Data retention policy

On the first day of each month, the following are deleted:

  • Schema whose selected collections no longer exist

To protect a schema from deletion, edit the KINGFISHER_SUMMARIZE_PROTECT_SCHEMA environment variable in the salt/kingfisher/summarize/files/.env file.