Create a server¶
A server is created either when an existing service is moving to a new server, or when a new service is being introduced on its own server.
As with other deployment tasks, do the setup tasks before the steps below.
1. Collect server requirements¶
Number of CPUs
GBs of RAM
GBs of disk
Whether Docker is used
What DNS to configure (e.g. subdomain)
What services to configure
2. Create the new server¶
Create the server via the host’s interface.
Click Create Linode
Set Linux Distribution to the latest Ubuntu LTS version
Set Region to London, UK (eu-west)
Select a Linode Plan
Set Linode Label to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)Set Add Tags to either Production or Development
Set Root Password to a strong password, and save it to OCP’s LastPass account
Check Backups
Click Create Linode and wait a few minutes for the server to power on
From the Linodes list:
Click on the label for the new server
Click Power Off and wait for the server to power off
On the Storage tab:
Resize the “Ubuntu ##.04 LTS Disk” disk to the desired size (recommended minimum 20 GB / 20480 MB)
Resize the “Swap Image” disk to the appropriate size
The swap size should be at most 200% of RAM and:
If RAM is less than 2 GB: at least 100% of RAM
If RAM is less than 32 GB: at least 50% of RAM
Otherwise, at least 16 GB or 25% of RAM, whichever is greater
If the swap image is too small, a swap file is configured by Salt.
Rename the “Swap Image” disk to “### MB Swap Image”
On the Configurations tab:
Click Edit for the “My Ubuntu ##.04 LTS Disk Profile” (or similar) configuration
Uncheck Auto-configure networking (skip if configuring a non-OCP server)
Click Save Changes
Click Power On
Copy SSH Access to your clipboard
Open a support ticket with Linode to assign an IPv6 /64 block to the new server.
Please assign an IPv6 /64 block to the server
Thank you,
Linode can take a day to close the ticket. In the meantime, proceed with the instructions below. Once the ticket is closed, assign a specific address within the /64 block in the network configuration.
If using Docker, configure an external firewall.
Go to the Hetzner Cloud Console
Click the Default project
Click the Add Server button
Click the Falkenstein location
Click the Ubuntu image
Select a Type
Click the Add SSH key button
Enter your public SSH key in SSH key
Enter your full name in Name
Click the Add SSH key button
This adds your public SSH key to
.Check the Backups box
Set Server name to the first part of the server’s FQDN (
, for example)Click the Create & Buy now button
If using Docker, configure an external firewall.
Hetzner dedicated servers are physical servers, and are commissioned to order. Pay attention to any wait times displayed, as some servers may not be available for several days.
Go to Hetzner
Click the Dedicated menu to browser for a suitable server
Check the Server Auction for a comparable server
Click the Order button for the chosen server
Set Server Location (no issues to date with the lowest price option)
Set Operating System to the latest Ubuntu LTS version
If Ubuntu isn’t an option, you will need to install Ubuntu after these steps. Servers from the Server Auction are delivered in the Hetzner Rescue System.
Set Drives as needed
Click the Order Now button
In the Server Login Details panel, set Type to “Public key” and enter your public SSH key
This adds your public SSH key to
.Click the Save button
Review the order and click the Checkout button
If prompted, login using OCP’s credentials
Check the “I have read your Terms and Conditions as well as your Privacy Policy and I agree to them.” box
Click the Order in obligation button
Wait to be notified via email that the server is ready.
If Ubuntu wasn’t an option, follow these steps to install Ubuntu:
Activate and load the Rescue System, if not already loaded.
Connect to the server as the
user using the password provided when activating the Rescue System.Test the server hardware:
Test the drives. The SMART values to check vary depending on the drive manufacturer. Ask a colleague if you need help.
smartctl -t long /dev/<device> smartctl -a /dev/<device>
Test the hardware RAID controller, if there is one. The software to do so varies depending on the RAID controller. Ask a colleague if you need help.
Run the pre-installed Hetzner OS installer (see documentation) and accept the defaults, unless stated otherwise below:
Select the latest Ubuntu LTS version.
The installer opens a configuration file.
, etc. to the drives you want to use (see documentation). You can identify drives with thesmartctl
command. If you ordered two large drives for a server that already includes two small drives, you might only set the large drives. For example:DRIVE1 /dev/sdb DRIVE2 /dev/sdd
Set the hostname (see more under 3. Create DNS records). For example:
Create partitions. Set the
partition size according to the comments in swap.sls. For example:PART swap swap 16G PART /boot ext2 1G PART / ext4 all
to saveConfirm that you want to overwrite the drives, when prompted
Reboot the server:
If using Docker, configure an external firewall.
See also
Pricing calculator, to estimate costs
Click the Virtual machines icon
Click the Create menu
Click the Azure virtual machine menu item
Set Subscription to “Microsoft Azure Sponsorship (4e98b5b1-1619-44be-a38e-90cdb8e4bc95)”
Set Resource group to “default”
Set Virtual machine name to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)Set Region to “(Europe) UK South” (or “(US) East US” or “(US) West US 2”)
Leave Security type as Trusted launch virtual machines
Set Image to the latest Ubuntu LTS version
Set Size to an appropriate size (e.g.
) (Select No grouping when browsing)Set Authentication type to “Password”
Set Username to “ocpadmin”
Set Password to a strong password, and save it to OCP’s LastPass account
Click the Next : Disks > button
Change OS disk size, if appropriate
Set OS disk type to Standard SSD (or Standard HDD in development)
Add additional disks, if appropriate:
Click the Create and attach a new disk link
Click the Change size link
Set Storage type to “Standard SSD”
Click the desired size
Click the OK button
Click the Next : Networking > button
Set Virtual network to an appropriate name with a
suffix (
)Set Subnet to default (
Set Public IP to the server’s FQDN with an
suffix (
)If not using Docker, set NIC network security group to None
If using Docker, set NIC network security group to Advanced
Click the Create new link for Configure network security group
Set Name to the server’s FQDN with a
suffix (
)Click the + Add an inbound rule link, to produce rules matching the following:
Destination port ranges
Click the OK button
Click the Next : Management > button
Check the Enable backup box
Set Recovery Services vault to “default-backups”
Click the Create new link for Backup policy
Set Policy name to “default-backups-daily”
Set Frequency to “Daily”
Set Instant restore to 1
Click the Next : Monitoring > button
Click the Next : Advanced > button
Click the Next : Tags > button
Set Name to the first part of the server’s FQDN (e.g.
Click the Next : Review + create > button
Click the Create button and wait a few minutes for the server to power on
3. Create DNS records¶
Hostnames follow the format
(ocp01, ocp02, etc.). Determine the greatest number by referring to GoDaddy and the salt-config/roster file. Then, increment the number by 1 for the new server, to ensure the hostname is unique and used only once.
Add A, AAAA and SPF records¶
Login to GoDaddy
If access was delegated, open Delegate Access and click the Access Now button
Open DNS Management for
Add an A record for the hostname:
Click the Add New Record button
Select “A” from the Type dropdown
Enter the hostname in Name (
, for example)Enter the IPv4 address in Value
Set TTL to 1 Day
Add an SPF record for the hostname, because cron jobs send mail from this hostname:
Click the Add More Records button
Select “TXT” from the Type dropdown
Enter the hostname in Name (
, for example)Enter the SPF record in Value (
v=spf1 -all
, for example)Set TTL to 1 Hour
If the server has an IPv6 /64 block, add an AAAA record for the hostname:
Get the server’s IPv6 address. Connect to the server and run:
curl -6
Click the Add More Records button
Select “AAAA” from the Type dropdown
Enter the hostname in Name (
, for example)Enter the IPv6 address in Value
Set TTL to 1 Day
Click the Save button
See also
DNS TTL standardization
Configure reverse DNS¶
Select the new server
On the Network tab:
Click Edit RDNS for the IPv4 – Public address
Set Enter a domain name to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)Click the Save button
If the server has an IPv6 /64 block:
Click Edit RDNS for the IPv6 – Range IP block
Set Enter a domain name to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)Click the Save button
Click the Default project
On the Primary IPs tab:
Click the … button for the server’s IPv4 address
Click the Edit Reverse DNS menu item
Set Reverse DNS to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)Click the Edit Reverse DNS button
If the server has an IPv6 /64 block:
Get the server’s IPv6 address. Connect to the server and run:
curl -6
Click the … button for the server’s IPv6 address
Click the Edit Reverse DNS menu item
Set the end of the IPv6 address
Set Reverse DNS to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)Click the Edit Reverse DNS button
Select the new server
On the IPs tab (default tab):
Under IP addresses: heading, set Reverse DNS entry to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)If the server has an IPv6 /64 block:
Get the server’s IPv6 address. Connect to the server and run:
curl -6
Under the Subnets: heading, click the ⊕ symbol on the left
Click the Add new Reverse DNS entry link
Set Enter IP to the IPv6 address
Set Enter RDNS to the server’s FQDN (e.g.
)Click the Create button
Select the new server
Click on the public IP address:
Enter the first part of the server’s FQDN in DNS name label (optional) (
, for example)Click the Save button (at the top)
Create an A record in GoDaddy for the configuration (e.g.
4. Apply core changes¶
Connect to the server’s FQDN as the
user (ocpadmin
user, if Azure) using SSH, to add it to your known hosts. Then, disconnect.Warning
On macOS, run the
command withsudo
.On Hetzner, change the root password, using the
command. Use a strong password, and save it to OCP’s LastPass account.
Add (or update) the target in the
file. Name the target after the service.If the service is moving to a new server, update the
of the existing target, and add a history entry in the file.If the environment is development, add a
suffix.Do not include an integer suffix in the target name.
If DNS is not propagated, temporarily set
to the server’s IP address instead of its FQDN.Configure networking, adding the target to the
file, if needed.Attention
If using Docker, add
to the server’s Pillar file, to not configure a server-side firewall.Run the onboarding and core state files (replace
).salt-ssh --log-level=trace TARGET state.apply 'onboarding,core*'
This step takes 3-4 minutes, so
is used to show activity.Warning
On Azure, add
:salt-ssh --log-level=trace TARGET state.apply 'onboarding,core*' --user=ocpadmin --sudo
These flags are not needed for subsequent deployments.
If you get the error message:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'backports'
Try connecting to the server and running <>:
pip3 install backports.ssl_match_hostname --break-system-packages
If configuring a non-OCP server:
to the target’s name in thesalt-config/roster
fileComment out the
section in thepillar/top.sls
fileIf configuring Apache, edit the
The server’s Pillar file needs
and, preferably,maintenance
sections.If a disk is larger than 100 GB, reduce reserve space.
./ TARGET system.reboot
The hostname configured in this step and the DNS records created in the previous step are relevant to:
verify that an email message has a legitimate source (for example, from cron jobs)
communicate between servers (for example, for database replication)
identify servers in human-readable way
As such, DNS records that match the hostname must be maintained, until the server is decommissioned.
5. Deploy the server¶
New service¶
Add a new target to the
Existing service¶
On the old server:
Check mail for the root user and, if applicable, each app user
Check the user directory of the root user and, if applicable, each app user
Open a pull request with the networking changes from the previous step and:
Update occurrences of the old server’s FQDN and IP address in this repository, including in the
filesMake any changes related to new operating system versions (PostgreSQL version, for example)
Prepare a migration plan (example), including:
Notify relevant users of the change
Reduce the TTLs of CNAME entries in GoDaddy
If the server uses SSL certificates, copy the
directoryIf the server runs any Django applications (like CoVE), copy the
directory and thedb.sqlite3
file from the app’s directoryIf the server runs a database like PostgreSQL (
), MySQL (mysqldump
) or Elasticsearch, copy the databaseIf the server runs a web server like Apache or application server like PHP-FPM, optionally copy the log files
Test the new server, by manually changing the
file on your local machineDeploy the Prometheus service
Once the pull request is approved, merge the pull request and implement the migration plan.
7. Update external services¶
Add (or update) the server’s DNS entries in GoDaddy, for example:
Click the Add New Record button
Select “CNAME” from the Type dropdown
Enter the public hostname in Name (
, for example)Enter the internal hostname in Value (
, for example)Leave TTL at the 1 Hour default
Click the Save button
See also
Add (or update) the service’s row in the Health of software products and services spreadsheet
Contact the relevant server manager to set up monitoring and maintenance
If any services are being introduced:
Configure error monitoring with Sentry
Configure web analytics with Fathom Analytics, if appropriate
If any services use a new top-level domain name:
Add the domain to Google Search Console