Language style guides

Jinja templating language


Use dot notation:

{{ pillar.host_id }}
{{ grains.kernel }}

AVOID bracket notation:

{{ pillar['host_id'] }}  # AVOID
{{ grains['kernel'] }}  # AVOID


To allow the use of dot notation in Jinja, prefer underscores to hyphens in Pillar keys.

Optional mapping keys

To test whether a key is present in a mapping, use the in operator:

{% if 'child' in pillar.parent %}


Maintainers can check this style rule with this regular expression:

if .*get\(.(?!(?:autoremove|compilemessages|enabled|public_access|replication|smartmon|summarystats)\b)

To iterate over an optional mapping:

{% for key, value in pillar.mykey|items %}


{% for key, value in salt['pillar.get']('parent:child', {})|items %}


Maintainers can check this style rule with this regular expression:


Optional list keys

To iterate over an optional list:

{% for value in pillar.mykey|default([]) %}


{% for value in salt['pillar.get']('parent:child', []) %}

Optional boolean keys

To test whether an optional boolean is true, use the .get() method:

{% if pillar.parent.get('enabled') %}

Optional keys

To get an optional key with a default value:

{{ entry.mykey|default(123) }}

If the default value is the empty string:

{{ entry.mykey|default }}


Maintainers can check this style rule with this regular expression:


If many parts of a Pillar key might not be set, use salt['pillar.get']():

{{ salt['pillar.get']('parent:child') }}

Note the colon (:) between parent and child.

YAML data-serialization language

Capitalize the True and False booleans, for consistency.

Avoid gotchas

  • If unquoted, yes, no, True and False are parsed as booleans in YAML. Use quotes to parse as strings.

  • A blank value is parsed as None in YAML. Use the empty string '' to parse as a string.

For example, in the Jinja snippet below, if a is equal to an empty string, then b will be None:

{% set extracontext %}
b: {{ a }}
{% endset %}

Instead, surround it in quotes:

{% set extracontext %}
b: "{{ a }}"
{% endset %}