Bash shell ========== .. _tmux: Perform a long-running task --------------------------- If a task will take a long time to run, run it in a terminal multiplexer (``tmux``), in case you lose your connection to the server. To open a session in ``tmux``, use this command, replacing ``initials-task-description`` with your initials and a short description of your task. By including your initials, it is easy for others to determine to whom the session belongs – especially if you forget to close it. .. code-block:: bash tmux new -s initials-task-description If you lose your connection to the server, re-attach to your session with: .. code-block:: bash tmux attach-session -t initials-task-description To manually detach from a session, press ``Ctrl-b``, release both keys, then press ``d``. If you forget the name of your session, list all sessions with: .. code-block:: bash tmux ls .. attention:: Remember to close your session when done, by pressing ``Ctrl-d`` or by running: .. code-block:: bash exit